Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Email #2

This email has no connection with the prior.  

The training went well today, but it's going to be a nail-bitter to see if we can get all the material covered in time.  Every day requires a substantial modification of the plan for the next day.  We tackled Medical Records today....I gotta tell you:   the workers are really great.  But it's also clear that I'm stretching them beyond their educational training.    They are eager, interested, engaged...all the things you want from learners.   I do find myself having to 'step back' to describe something that I had taken for granted they would know/understand.   Sometimes they just don't have any reference to work off of.   That requires a level of creativity on my part....frankly, fun and challenging.  As long as it all works out ok!!

I met with KPA's leadership this afternoon.  I have got to say:  Sister Fidelis has done a Fantastic job in organizing and developing this group!!   They are a true breath of fresh air (actually, more appropriately right now, they are a true breath of cool, refreshing air.  It's hot!).  And they are so well grounded in their love for the neighbors.  It's a true testament and witness to Sister Fidelis'  own heart.   I 'pitched' a couple of thoughts to them to potentially help position them in case (or, When) Heifer increases their involvement in Pestel.  They are very interested in the solar fruit dryer that Johnny Zook has developed, and will be providing us with some feedback on the Char-Rocket stove later in the summer after they've had more time to work with it.

They also mentioned their desire to start up an orphanage.   Again, this gives you a glimpse into the sorts of items that are on their heart.   I think I've told you about their community gardens:  plots of land cultivated by members of KPA, and some of the produce is sold at low cost to needy families.   They also have a program that helps impoverished families with essential needs (such as a roof for the house).   

These are not wealthy individuals in the sense of finances.  They are wealthy in terms of their spiritual wealth.  They are really filled with God's love.  You should meet them.   :)


Thriving Villages Blog

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