Friday, December 7, 2012

Nelson update: Waiting in the hospital for the blood level to come back in range

While Nelson is still in the hospital (Day 18) he's doing really well. He's received a number of visitors and cards, which has been a nice boost to his morale.  Although this has been a long process and we are all eager for him to come home, he is still very cheerful.  His appetite has returned and the nurses are happily accommodating his requests for second (and sometimes third) helpings of his meals.  We are conveniently located in the hall next to the cafeteria!  Last night Nelson also feasted on some homemade Haitian food that a friend brought in!

3 days this week, Nelson has had a nurse from Haiti.  We have been so grateful that God has provided so abundantly for Nelson.  It makes a huge difference for him to be able to communicate with her in Creole!!! 

We learned today that he was given Vitamin K just before his 2nd surgery, and that's essentially an antidote to the blood thinner.  That was a very good thing to do.  The Vitamin K is still lingering in his body, slowing the normal effect of the coumadin.    It looks like he'll be in the hospital over the weekend at this point.  

We had hoped he could make it to the benefit concert on Sunday evening (6:30pm...Slate Hill Mennonite Church!  :)   

President, Thriving Villages International

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I do not doubt that the modern Western church badly needs a lot of things, one of them being more confidence that God is working powerfully among us and wants us to do more than we have been willing to do in his service.   John G. Stackhouse

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