Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Update on Nelson

Thanks to Evens and Vanessa Carpenter for these updates:

Nelson was released from the hospital and he had a study done of his heart, but the results are not yet know.  A copy of the CD was given to Vanessa who will be flying back to the US soon.  Once we have the CD we'll take it to our pediatric cardiologist to have him review it.

His main symptoms per Vanessa are:  shortness of breath when walking, some coughing fits, heart racing.  He is still in pain and is losing weight from all of this.  
As we learn more we'll be sure to let you know.

It was 5 years ago next month (October) that I took my first trip to Haiti, and met Vanessa, Sister Fidelis, Dr. Seneque, and many others for the first time.  It was also my first trip to Pestel.  Amazing.

President, Thriving Villages International

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