Monday, October 19, 2009

Proposal accepted!

I JUST got an email that the $30,000 proposal I submitted on behalf of Pestel has been accepted!!  This is wonderful news and quite a cause for celebration.

Beyond the money, however, this is just an amazing opportunity to share about how God has made this happen, and how He is 'bank-rolling' all of this.  

The group is called Variety International.  They are looking to fund beyond this year, recognizing that this will be a multi-year project.  And it is possible (?likely?) that the level of funding will increase annually once we are shown to be faithful with their gift.

Thanks to so many of you for your ongoing words of encouragement.  Special thanks to my uncle, Jim Bishop, who helped me with the text for the promotional materials I sent to the organization.  

Deeply grateful and yet again, humbled...

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