Sunday, January 25, 2009

Pestel Fundraiser

Hi everyone,

My church hosted a fundraiser for Pestel today.  It was a soup cookoff (SouperBowl cookoff) and it raised nearly $1400!!!   What a huge show of support and encouragement.  

The idea and the work behind this came from friends of ours, Daniel and Lynley Lapp and their Care Group.  A BIG thanks to them for all their work and inspiration!  And also to the EPS commission at our church that helped promote this.

The money will be used to construct cisterns in Pestel.  As I've mentioned in prior emails, last year Pestel underwent a prolonged drought where about 1/3 of their concrete cisterns dried-up and cracked, rendering them unusable.  On my last trip I met folks who had to walk half-a-day one way to try to find water, and sometimes they would come back empty.   
Imagine the great challenges of having to care for your family without water, whether clean or dirty.  So cisterns provide water capacity for the villages, and that reduces the overall burden (of disease, wasted time searching for water, etc).

So a HUGE thanks to my church for this great outpouring of love!

Also, I received a photo of the kids (from Sister Fidelis) whose education is being sponsored by a couple, and I've attached that to this blog.  To learn more about this family, visit this site and scroll down to the section on Alfred's Family.


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