Monday, November 3, 2008

Nelson's meds

We have a donor for Nelson's meds!! 

As you look over the "Special Giving" section of the website you'll see that a number of the needs have been covered, and these needs have ONLY been made known since July 2008!!!

These include
1.  Funds to allow Alfred's four children to continue to attend school since he is now disabled after suffering severe burns to his arms and legs.
2.  Enough money to help the village of Toma Elli build 40 school benches.  No more sitting on the ground!!!
3.  The cost of Nelson's daily antibiotics has been covered.
4.  Funds to build about 3 cisterns in Pestel using Dr. John Leininger's system (see previous blogs).

This is wonderful and remarkable. 

We also recently received word that our church will be collecting certain donations for Haiti this Christmas.  What a blessing and an encouragement, both to us and to those who will receive all of these gifts. 

I wish you could be there when they hear how God is answering their prayers through "the good people back in the United States."  I remember specifically telling one of the villages that I was certain that God would move in people's hearts in the US.  This statement, I recall, came from a conviction that God is very active in working out His good plan for the people of Pestel.  I believe it will become a beacon of hope built on faith, not by Man's hands and efforts. 

Men can do some impressive things (as they have done and will continue to do in Haiti).  But God can do immeasurably more than we can ever ask or imagine.  I'll invest in God's kingdom!


PS You can go to Pestel, btw....just let us know if you are interested  :)  Next trip is going to be late Feb or early March.  At this point I envision that the trip will probably include some of the following (though nothing has been firmed up):
Help construct and set-up the plastic cisterns
Data collection (video, photo, GPS data, health data such as malnutrition)
Health eduction (on basics such as hygiene, recognizing dehydration in a child)

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