Hi all,
Here are some important updates:
We will be receiving the cd of Nelson's echocardiogram soon, and then we'll deliver it to our pediatric cardiologists for evaluation. Thank you to all who have been asking and praying. We'll let you know once we hear, which should be soon.
A new missionary to move out to Pestel!
I learned that Sister Vicky
of Sisters of St Francis of Philadelphia will be going to live with Sister Fidelis and Sister Jo in Pestel! This is an exciting development on multiple fronts. She anticipates teaching English, helping with the visitor's house (which will be completed early 2013), and helping with a lot of the organization/administrative work. Sister Vicky spent time in Pestel and feels called to the area.
Anemia Campaign: Success in reducing Severe Anemia!!
For the past year the health agents (APPAS workers) have been providing medications and testing children for anemia. Through a lot of hard work we have seen a reduction in the number of kids with severe anemia by 80%! That means if 5 kids had severe anemia last year, now there is only 1. That also means there is plenty of work to be done, but this report is very encouraging!
News item from Sylvania, Ohio
Trips to Haiti
Ben will be going to Haiti this Saturday with his uncle, Jim Bishop. This will be a busy itinerary. We're looking forward to seeing Sisters Fidelis & Jo, and taking some photos of the guest house under construction! We'll also be meeting up with Miriam Frederick (New Life Children's Home & World Missions Harvest) in Pestel as she and her team run medical clinics and collect information on malnutrition and water issues. Please pray that all the arrangements and logistics will move along smoothly, as well as for safety.
Miriam's team (>20 people) will be in the Jolie Guibert area (Section 4).
In November a team is going to be evaluating the area of Duchity (5th Section) in conjunction with YoutHaiti. They will be looking at water and sanitation-related issues.
In February we may be hosting a trip to Haiti for Variety International.
By way of quick reminder: Pestel is located in the southwestern part of Haiti. It is both the name of the town (hub of activity) and the region. The region of Pestel has 6 Sections (See attached map). We have identified over 230 villages throughout the region so far.
Thriving Villages International is involved in all 6 regions, helping to implement Child Health Campaigns through the Haitian workers (APPAS workers do Vitamin A & deworming, Anemia Campaign, household surveys, malnutrition surveys, and hopefully very soon--immunizations!). We are also partnering in water (primarily with Water MIssions International), sanitation (w/ YoutHaiti), baseline surveys data collection (World Missions Harvest), cholera (MPHISE), agriculture (Heifer International, and KPA), and primary education and some clinical care (KPA which is supported by the Sisters from Sylvania, OH through Fidelis & Jo's work).
We are SO grateful to all who are willing to participate in this important work, giving voice to the needs of people who have had no voice, and being part of solutions on their behalf.
These are all gifts from God; a joy for us and a chance to honor Him.
President, Thriving Villages International
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Thriving Villages blog