Monday, November 19, 2012

Volunteer Help Wanted for Thriving Villages: Grant Writing

How To Save Lives in Pestel, Haiti:
Need for Grant-Writers

We can double the number of children we reach with medications and health screenings in the remote mountains of Pestel, Haiti. 

In 2013 we have funding to supply medications and screening to 6,000 children.  In 2012 we supplied medications and screening to 10,000 children, but due to a national wage policy change in Haiti, our ability to reach all the villages in Pestel will be reduced to almost 50 percent in 2013.  

Currently the health field workers traverse the mountainous region of Pestel largely on foot, and they tend to reach only the villages near or along the roads.  Purchasing motorcycles for the health workers will help them reach the furthest child in the furthest village much more efficiently. 

Motorcycles for each of the five land-based sections in Pestel means the workers will substantially reduce the wasted time currently spent walking from village to village.  They will then increase their impact by reaching children in the mountain villages.  

We need $6,000  to purchase six motorcycles ($1,000 per motorcycle)  One for each section and two for the largest section.

We believe one-time purchases of motorcycles (with some required upkeep and fuel costs) is a very good use of funds because we have trained individuals who know the area well but are limited by time.

If you know any organization we could contact, would you consider writing an introductory letter that we can attach to our request?  Or if you know someone who might be interested in helping to write some grants for this purpose, please email me at  Thanks for your continued support.

Dr. Ben Fredrick

President, Thriving Villages International

Thriving Villages website:
Thriving Villages blog:

It is not enough to claim harmlessness; we are to accomplish positive good, and those who do not are wasting God's resources. John G. Stackhouse

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