Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Nelson Update

Yippee!!!  We are one final step away from getting Nelson to the states!   Nelson received his passport today!

Nelson turned 18 yesterday and his passport was issued today.  Unfortunately with the storm, government offices in Haiti have been closed so the process has taken longer than usual.  Vanessa Carpenter, of Angel Missions Haiti, has been graciously extending her trip to process Nelson's paperwork.  We were expecting they would be back by now...Please continue to pray that the medical visa will be issued quickly and that Vanessa may be able to return home soon with Nelson!  Also, Vanessa will be petitioning for an extended visa to allow us time to figure out Nelson's on-going care needs.  Please pray specifically that the extension is granted!

Vanessa has 3 more Haitian children waiting to travel to the states for surgery but is lacking funds to bring them.  If you are interested in donating to her organization, here's the link:  http://angelmissions.org/  Vanessa has helped bring the 4 heart patients we hosted as well as hundreds of other children come to the U.S. for life-saving surgery.  It's a great organization!!!

Thanks again for your prayers!


Thriving Villages International

Thriving Villages website:  www.thrivingvillages.org
Thriving Villages blog:  http://thrivingvillages.blogspot.com/

"The Christian in face of the suffering of others is the man called by God, through the bond of faith, to go to the help of others to relieve their suffering."  Paul Tournier

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