With the next trip to Haiti coming up this weekend it is just astounding at the level of minutiae that has to be managed. WOW. One of the great challenges of working in rural Haiti is that essentially every little thing that you might need to do your work has to be brought with you. And getting all those things out to Pestel is not easy either.
This is going to be a different kind of trip for me. We'll have three separate activities going on simultaneously:
1. I'll be down in town doing health worker training
2. John Lane will be driving around up in the mountains exploring water sources
3. Johnny Zook will be with Sisters Fidelis and Jo as he demonstrates his CharRocket stove.
We'll all connect up together at the end of the week for a boat road out to the island (Section 6--the poorest area).
Some more really neat developments:
1. I've been invited to talk at another local church down in Dillsburg. They've invited me to do two Sunday School sessions!
2. Issues related to water in Pestel are really heating up (starting to boil/simmer? Nicely done, eh? :) John Lane has connected up with Steve Krupa, and both have expertise in water issues. Beyond that, we just learned that a team with Engineers without Borders is putting together a proposal for a possible micro hydroelectric power generator far into the mountains (Duchity). I literally just got this email. They too are interested in potentially collaborating for Pestel. Thanks to my friend Odelin for this connection!!
3. Heifer International is moving forward with putting together a proposal for 400 individuals in Pestel. They will have this ready when we visit them next Monday in Haiti!
4. The maps for Pestel (using fancy software) are coming along nicely! Thanks to Novneet for his great work! I'm attaching an example to show you where some of the villages are located. Much more to come!
This is a very strange time for me. I would ask for your prayers and to help me discern God's will. Truly, the challenge for me (I think) is not to be distracted from God's call. It is SO easy. From March through the end of July I have the following:
March--Haiti Trip
April--two consecutive conferences (one in New Haven, CT and one in D.C.)
May--trip to China (yup--that JUST came up....crazy stuff)
June--trip to Haiti
June--trip to Ecuador (though I'm hoping I can find a replacement)
July--potentially 3 week course in Boston
So it is a lot, and it is a lot of time away from Jen and the kids. And it is all good stuff. Or rather, it all appears good. While something may appear good to do, it may not be right to do. And that can be a very tricky thing.
This is a neat verse from Isaiah:
Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them.
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."
I love that image
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