Saturday, February 5, 2011

Data entry....volunteers needed!

Hi all,

We have a bunch of data from a household survey that needs to be entered.   Would you be willing to work on entering some data?

The data was collected in October/November by the health workers in Pestel.  It includes a tremendous amount of really important information including items such as # of people living in the house, educational levels, income, nutritional information etc etc.

With Heifer Intl and Water Missions involved now, this data will be very valuable to them as well to help determine whether their efforts are making positive changes in specific areas.

The data we have so far (we're expecting more soon) has been scanned into the computer.   I can either send you the PDF or the original papers.  

If interested, you would be sent an excel file with instructions.   I could then send you a number of survey response sheets to be entered in.

The survey contains about 128 questions, so it is going to be more time-intensive than the last survey.  I would probably send you about 10 response sheets at a time, depending on your willingness.   

Thanks as always!!

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