Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A few praises!!

Just saw this from the Wall St. Journal:
American Airlines will resume flights into Haiti's capital city on Friday, marking the first commercial passenger flight into the country since an earthquake that devastated the Caribbean nation Jan. 12.
I had purchased my ticket the afternoon of the earthquake...literally, 4 hours before the earthquake.  I wasn't sure until just now whether I was going to make it into Haiti 'the old fashioned way' or have to come up with some other last minute approach.  I have so many other "last minute" pressures on me right now that THIS news is a huge answer to prayer for me!

The total from the calendar sales is now at $3000!   That's pretty awesome!

I'll be able to charter a plane out of PAP to Jeremie using MAF.   That too is a logistical answer to prayer because it wasn't clear how I would get out to Pestel;  the small airlines are not flying out to Jeremie yet.   

My sister Erika met an engineer today from her church who, as it turns out, was the same engineer that assessed Wings of Hope (and deemed it too unsafe to live in).   That's amazing!   I remember reading about the assessment which I believe occurred within the first couple of weeks.  It's such a great gift to Wings that this man used his skills to benefit them in this way.  If you were running an orphanage, you would want to know whether to move all the kids (no easy feat, because many of these kids are in wheelchairs).


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