Saturday, February 13, 2010

Connecting dots...

I may have mentioned all of this before....not sure.

A couple of years ago when my paternal grandparents were still living I had a chance to spend some time with them in Florida.  I had already taken my first trip to Haiti.  That's when they mentioned to me that they had long been supporting an organization in Haiti (of all places in the world!).  I thought that was a remarkable connection.  Something (Someone) had moved in their hearts to give, not once based an appeal, but many times, and Someone had also moved in my heart regarding Haiti as well.  Now, they did not give much money at all because they did not have much money.  But they gave out of willing hearts, moved with compassion.

As you know, recently volunteers from Hershey have been going down to help after the Haiti earthquake.  They set up camp and a surgical center in Fond Parisien, at a complex run by Love A Child:

This is the same organization that my grandparents supported!   

Of all places in the world...and in all places in Haiti.   I find this to be truly remarkable.   There is something important in all this.  And frankly, I am not sure I can articulate it just yet.

I do pray that for some of you this comes as an encouragement.


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