Thursday, September 26, 2013

September Updates

Hi Everyone,

I want to share a few updates about the work in Pestel, Haiti:

The May/June Vitamin A Campaign (with deworming pills) reached 6651 children between ages of 6 months and 5 years.  During the prior Vitamin A Campaign the field workers ("APPAS") reached 6384.   Importantly, while they reached 300 more children during the latest round they also did it in 2 months instead of 3.   How did they do it?   You may recall that earlier this year some families donated money for purchase of motorcycles to allow the workers to (hopefully) be more efficient.  I'd say it worked!    We are not fully covering the area, though, and we'll be working on a strategy to accomplish this.  A very recent huge study (1 million children) in India showed that VItamin A reduced all-cause child death by 10%.   The benefit of these medicines is seen when we reach all kids...especially those hardest to reach in the furthest villages.   

If you are interested in helping to develop a strategy to reach the furthest kids in the furthest villages in Pestel, please email me.  

Very exciting news!   Through a recent generous donation by the Miss World Organization, combined with funding through Rotary International, expertise by a couple of different organizations, we will be launching a ceramic water filter project in Duchity (a town in Pestel) in 2014!!!    We anticipate reaching about 2000 households in the area.   If this model is successful we hope to expand it to other areas in Pestel.

Another important household water filter project will be taking place in the Malcouchin area through Impact for Jesus.  More to come on this!!  

Earlier this year we did not hit water with the well-drilling project.   This week Water Missions International is evaluating a Plan B option for Pestel.  We've provided them with a list (and GPS coordinates) of water sources throughout Pestel that they can evaluate.  

Finally, I've learned that the government of Haiti has been working on constructing a bridge over the River Glaz.  This is more wonderful news!   Almost every year we learn about vehicles (and people) being swept over the side when people try to cross the swollen river which runs over the road.  This bridge will be another life-saver

We would like to find a way to help Father Parnel finish off his High School in Pestel.  In the past we have helped provide some funds that went toward constructing more school rooms so that the school (St. Francis School) can expand the number of grades it offers.  They have been able to add a grade per year for the past couple of years.  They want to be able to offer 11th and 12th in the upcoming years, but need to have the rooms finished off.   If anyone has suggestions for obtaining funding to help with this important project, please let us know.  We would love to rejoice with the people of Pestel by being part of this landmark event for their community.

Final detail, hopefully you've seen our new website.  If not, I encourage you to check it out.  Yesterday we were able to add a recurring donation button to our website (per request! :)   You can find this at the bottom of the page, right-hand corner.  
The button appears as "subscribe".  That may not make intuitive sense, but hey, it's a free button!  If we wanted it to say anything else we'd have to pay for it.  :)  No sense in that!

Thanks everyone!  We're thrilled at all these good pieces of news and see them as evidence of God's hands already at work on behalf of the people of Pestel, to show us and them how Good and Great He is.


President, Thriving Villages International

Thriving Villages website:
Thriving Villages blog:

"One who is in Christ operates by spiritual discernment and wisdom, and helps a man not by giving him what he wants but what he may need.  Above all, our response is one of caring and sharing; we are ready to serve, to get involved.  This is the risk and the cost of love."  Myron Augsburger

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