Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Drilling starts today in Pestel!!!

We received some photos of the drill rig crossing the River Glaz (which is about the southernmost part of Pestel).  Evens is with the crew and they stayed last night at the new Guest House run by Sisters Fidelis, Jo, and Vicky.  The trip took them 13 hours (ugh!!) to travel from Port-au-Prince to Pestel.

Evens wrote that they will plan to drill today!!  They expect to have to drill very deep to hit water, and we are hopeful that when they do hit water it will be fresh water and not salty.  


Please pray that they hit fresh water.  The region of Pestel is incredibly water-deprived.  The World Health Organization considers a village water deprived if people have to travel more than 30 minutes roundtrip.  In Pestel many routinely travel 2 hours one way.

President, Thriving Villages International

Thriving Villages website:  www.thrivingvillages.org
Thriving Villages blog:  http://thrivingvillages.blogspot.com/

I do not doubt that the modern Western church badly needs a lot of things, one of them being more confidence that God is working powerfully among us and wants us to do more than we have been willing to do in his service.   John G. Stackhouse

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