I received this note and video link from Renee Plaza who has been working to provide gravity fed water filtration systems to the area in Pestel called Macochon. This work is being done in conjunction with http://impactforjesus.org/ and http://www.newlife4kids.org/
Check out the video!
Hi Ben - Hope this finds you well. Just back from Haiti for a week. We were there for two weeks this time and one of those weeks was spent with a team of 23 in the mountains of Pestel. Wanted to give you a quick update.
We were able to deliver the gravity fed water filtration systems to Macochon. It was quite the experience and the village has really taken responsibility and ownership of the project. They managed to work on the road so we could drive the bucket systems all the way into the brush arbor in the village. They also completed the census and marked each home with a family number. In addition, they put together a leadership team from the village that helped us train the families on assembly, maintenance and care of the units. We feel, all together a very successful time. Please see the short video that we put together for this at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZQM_8WMHQQ
We are thrilled for the good report and thankful for Renee and her team's dedication to the people in Pestel.
-- President, Thriving Villages International
Thriving Villages website: www.thrivingvillages.org
Thriving Villages blog: http://thrivingvillages.blogspot.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ThrivingVillages
I do not doubt that the modern Western church badly needs a lot of things, one of them being more confidence that God is working powerfully among us and wants us to do more than we have been willing to do in his service. John G. Stackhouse
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