"The Christian in face of the suffering of others is the man called by God, through the bond of faith, to go to the help of others to relieve their suffering." Paul Tournier
Thriving Villages is a Christian organization called to demonstrate God's goodness and compassion. We work collaboratively and holistically with individuals and organizations, utilizing our gifts and skills to address issues of health, poverty, and development in rural Pestel, Haiti and beyond.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Nelson got his medical visa!!
Hi everyone,
Jen just heard that Nelson was granted a medical visa!!! That's fantastic news. We anticipate that he and Vanessa will be coming to the US sometime this weekend. I'll let the surgeon and cardiology team know about this good news and that'll start the ball rolling.
-- President, Thriving Villages International
Thriving Villages website: www.thrivingvillages.org
Thriving Villages blog: http://thrivingvillages.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Nelson Update
Yippee!!! We are one final step away from getting Nelson to the states! Nelson received his passport today!
Nelson turned 18 yesterday and his passport was issued today. Unfortunately with the storm, government offices in Haiti have been closed so the process has taken longer than usual. Vanessa Carpenter, of Angel Missions Haiti, has been graciously extending her trip to process Nelson's paperwork. We were expecting they would be back by now...Please continue to pray that the medical visa will be issued quickly and that Vanessa may be able to return home soon with Nelson! Also, Vanessa will be petitioning for an extended visa to allow us time to figure out Nelson's on-going care needs. Please pray specifically that the extension is granted!
Vanessa has 3 more Haitian children waiting to travel to the states for surgery but is lacking funds to bring them. If you are interested in donating to her organization, here's the link: http://angelmissions.org/ Vanessa has helped bring the 4 heart patients we hosted as well as hundreds of other children come to the U.S. for life-saving surgery. It's a great organization!!!
Thanks again for your prayers!
Thriving Villages International
Thriving Villages website: www.thrivingvillages.org
Thriving Villages blog: http://thrivingvillages.blogspot.com/
"The Christian in face of the suffering of others is the man called by God, through the bond of faith, to go to the help of others to relieve their suffering." Paul Tournier
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Update on Storm
You have probably seen that the hurricane, Sandy, making its way up the east coast of the US. It did sweep the area of Pestel, out in the southwest. Here is an initial report:
Department of South heavy rains and winds on all municipalities, the General
Hospital in Les Cayes was flooded. On the night of October 23 to 24, a woman
in her forties, drowned while trying to cross a river in flood at Camp
Perrin, one also reported a loss of life in Côteaux. The section of road
between Les Cayes and Jérémie is cut.
[When we go out to Pestel we go through Les Cayes, through Camp Perrin, and across the road mentioned above]
[Pestel is in the Department of Grand'Anse]
Department of Grand'Anse heavy rains, moderate winds except to Beaumont where
the winds are strong, the rivers Glace, Grand Anse, Dame Marie and Voldrogue
are flooding. In Jérémie two houses were washed away, ten to Lady Mary as
well as heads of cattle.
Update on Nelson:
Thanks to all who have been asking about the status on Nelson's visa. At this point Nelson is in Port-au-Prince. He needs a new passport before he can obtain a medical visa. Please pray that this process goes quickly and smoothly.
When we visited him at his home I learned that he started feeling a bit poorly about 7 months ago, but then suddenly began to worsen about 6 weeks ago now. He has been essentially restricted to his house because of the shortness of breath. I asked him to walk a ways with me in order to see about his exercise tolerance. We went about 80 yards at a normal pace when he stopped because he couldn't go on. I checked his pulse and it had shot up to 140, and his forehead had broken a sweat.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Tropical storm
Hello all,
Please be in prayer for the people of Haiti...and Jamaica...Bahamas....Cuba A tropical storm has formed south of Jamaica and is expected to turn into a hurricane sometime Wednesday.
It is not expected to hit Haiti directly but it is is likely to affect Haiti, as you can see from the map. Pestel is out toward the southwestern tip so this area has potential for damage and flooding.
Thriving Villages blog
President, Thriving Villages International
Thriving Villages website
Monday, October 22, 2012
Same email as last one: Concert on December 9th at 6:30pm to benefit Thriving Villages International
Sorry for the duplication, but the email I just sent got bounced back by a number of emails (the attachment was too large). This is the same email but with PDF instead attached:
Assisted by - George Waltemire (guitar) and Caleb Liddick (double bass)
Thriving Villages blog
Hello everyone,
Please place this date/time/location on your calendar and spread the word! We are pleased to announce that there will be a benefit concert for Thriving Villages International.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Slate Hill Mennonite Church
1352 Slate Hill Road, Camp Hill, PA 17011
Please join us for a free concert on Sunday evening, December 9th, at Slate Hill Mennonite Church. A freewill offering will be collected to benefit Thriving Villages International! Two faculty from Messiah College, Kerry Harker-Roth and Randall Zwally, will be performing some classical, bluegrass, holiday, and Appalachian string music.
Concert for Christian Medical Missions in Haiti
Thriving Villages International
Thriving Villages International
Featuring Messiah College Music Faculty Members:
Kerry Harker-Roth (viola and violin) and Randall Zwally (guitar and banjo)
Kerry Harker-Roth (viola and violin) and Randall Zwally (guitar and banjo)
Lecturer in String Methods and Viola Senior Lecturer in Music and Director of Guitar Studies
Assisted by - George Waltemire (guitar) and Caleb Liddick (double bass)
Sunday December 9, 6:30 PM, Slate Hill Mennonite Church – 1352 Slate Hill Road – Camp Hill, PA 17011
Free Admission
(Free Will Offering Taken)
Please pass this information along to your churches, contacts, and anyone else that might like to enjoy a nice evening of music. We would love to see a very full house!!! Also at the event, Steve Miller (professional photographer) will be making some of his photos available for purchase. You have seen many of these over the past couple of years and they are truly beautiful.
We are so delighted for this and we would ask that you help us spread the word and the enthusiasm. A formal announcement is being produced by Messiah College and I'll send that along when we receive it. Also, I am attaching a handout that we just put together (thanks to Jim Bishop!!) that describes the work we are doing in Pestel. Please feel free to share this as well.
Finally, if you are interested in helping with the event please let me know.
President, Thriving Villages International
Thriving Villages website
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Nelson Update
Hello everyone,
Thriving Villages blog
Ben was able to visit with Nelson last week, do an evaluation, and provide that information to the cardiology team at Hershey Medical Center. Based on the information the surgeon wants to proceed with surgery within the next month to be done in Hershey, PA.
This means we have very little time to process his paperwork. He will need to have an expedited passport and visa before he is allowed to travel. Our friend, Vanessa Carpenter, of Angel Missions Haiti is traveling to Haiti this week and has volunteered to help process his paperwork. Thanks, Vanessa!!! http://angelmissions.org/
With Nelson's heart condition it is important we keep him warm (shivering could dangerously raise his heart rate). Nelson is skin and bones and not used to cold weather. He will be needing a winter coat and lots of warm clothes...if anyone has any to donate, it would be greatly appreciated! Nelson is about 6 ft. tall but quite thin so he will be swimming in everything but that's O.K. I'm thinking he need 32 or 34 length pants and adult medium or large shirts.
If all goes well, we are hoping Nelson will be able to return with Vanessa shortly. We appreciate your continued prayers as we prepare for Nelson's arrival!
President, Thriving Villages International
Thriving Villages website
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Back in the US with a short short note
Hi all,
We (my uncle Jim Bishop) and I returned yesterday night from Haiti. We had a really good and challenging trip. We'll write more later! But, I just saw this new song & its video and wanted to pass it along because it resonates so powerfully with my own dreams for the people in Pestel.
This is by (a re-constituted) Christian group called Audio Adrenaline. This group has been involved in Haiti for many years. This video takes place in Haiti :) It includes a new lead singer, Kevin Max, who I have really loved for many years. He's one of the three former guys in DC Talk.
Audio Adrenaline - Kings and Queens (Exclusive Music Video Premiere) from audio-adrenaline on GodTube.
"...these could be our daughters and our sons..."
Thriving Villages blog
President, Thriving Villages International
Thriving Villages website
Friday, October 5, 2012
Update on Nelson
We received Nelson's echocardiogram and it was reviewed by cardiology at our medical center today. Unfortunately it shows that the replaced valve is failing. The valve was supposed to last 10-15 years but it has only lasted 5 years.
Please pray for Nelson that he would remain safe, pray for wisdom in knowing how to proceed with this new issue and all that it entails.
I am planning to see Nelson this week and I'll do an exam to see how he sounds and how he feels.
The major issue, however, is that he will need another valve replacement. This replacement will have to be mechanical valve which is permanent, and also carries the need for chronic blood thinning (anticoagulation). This is very challenging because I do not know how Nelson will be able to return to Haiti given those circumstances. He would have to take a blood thinner (like Coumadin) for the rest of his life, have frequent blood work in order to make sure that his blood is not too thin (which can lead to spontaneous bleeding) or too thick (which can lead to clotting off of the valve).
We are praying about this situation and it is quite heavy on our hearts, especially as I am going away this week to Haiti.
Please pray for Nelson that he would remain safe, pray for wisdom in knowing how to proceed with this new issue and all that it entails.
Please pray for us as we try to discern what is needed and how best to go about it. We could also use your prayers for strength and comfort during this difficult time.
Thriving Villages blog
President, Thriving Villages International
Thriving Villages website
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Resurrection Dance Theater
Thanks to all who came out to support the boys from St. Joseph's Home last evening in Lancaster, PA!
Thriving Villages blog
For me one of the most powerful moments was the dance called "Freedom Regained" which visually represented Haiti's break from slavery and struggle for independence. In the attached photo the performer is calling out to other slaves with the sounds of blowing into a conch shell (see link). In rural Pestel they still sometimes use conch shells to call people together.
It was really great to see some of the folks I know from the orphanages, including KC Bersch. A couple of trips ago I had brought a small amount of money that Micah (my son) gave to me for the people of Haiti. While visiting Wings of Hope I handed it to KC who started counting it, then did some quick calculations, and said that it was just the right amount to buy small cookies for all the kids at Wings of Hope. That was a really nice kindness on her part and I was able to come back to tell my kids how the money was used.
President, Thriving Villages International
Thriving Villages website
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Hero of global health in surgery
Hi all,
Thriving Villages blog
You may remember a couple of years ago that the same organization, Angel Missions Haiti, that helped bring children to the States for heart surgery also helped a great number of kids come to the States for brain surgery, Hydrocephalus surgery. I carried one of those babies back to Haiti with me after surgery, and my friend Victor carried one from Haiti to the US on his return trip as well (her name is Pharah).
The surgeon who did those surgeries was Dr. Ben Warf. He had pioneered a new kind of surgical technique during his time in Uganda with Cure International. Our friend, Charles Howard, connected the dots between the needs in Haiti and the willingness of Dr. Warf (who had at that point just returned to the States) to do these surgeries.
Fantastic news! Yesterday this was announced:
The MacArthur Fellows Program awards unrestricted fellowships to talented individuals who have shown extraordinary originality and dedication in their creative pursuits and a marked capacity for self-direction. There are three criteria for selection of Fellows: exceptional creativity, promise for important future advances based on a track record of significant accomplishment, and potential for the fellowship to facilitate subsequent creative work.
The MacArthur Fellows Program is intended to encourage people of outstanding talent to pursue their own creative, intellectual, and professional inclinations.
The MacArthur Fellowship is a "no strings attached" award in support of people, not projects. Each fellowship comes with a stipend of $500,000 to the recipient, paid out in equal quarterly installments over five years.
Congratulations to our hero, Dr. Ben Warf!!!
President, Thriving Villages International
Thriving Villages website
Monday, October 1, 2012
Thriving Villages Update
Hi all,
Thriving Villages blog
Here are some important updates:
We will be receiving the cd of Nelson's echocardiogram soon, and then we'll deliver it to our pediatric cardiologists for evaluation. Thank you to all who have been asking and praying. We'll let you know once we hear, which should be soon.
A new missionary to move out to Pestel!
I learned that Sister Vicky of Sisters of St Francis of Philadelphia will be going to live with Sister Fidelis and Sister Jo in Pestel! This is an exciting development on multiple fronts.
She anticipates teaching English, helping with the visitor's house (which will be completed early 2013), and helping with a lot of the organization/administrative work. Sister Vicky spent time in Pestel and feels called to the area.
Anemia Campaign: Success in reducing Severe Anemia!!
For the past year the health agents (APPAS workers) have been providing medications and testing children for anemia. Through a lot of hard work we have seen a reduction in the number of kids with severe anemia by 80%! That means if 5 kids had severe anemia last year, now there is only 1. That also means there is plenty of work to be done, but this report is very encouraging!
News item from Sylvania, Ohio
Trips to Haiti
Ben will be going to Haiti this Saturday with his uncle, Jim Bishop. This will be a busy itinerary. We're looking forward to seeing Sisters Fidelis & Jo, and taking some photos of the guest house under construction! We'll also be meeting up with Miriam Frederick (New Life Children's Home & World Missions Harvest) in Pestel as she and her team run medical clinics and collect information on malnutrition and water issues. Please pray that all the arrangements and logistics will move along smoothly, as well as for safety.
Miriam's team (>20 people) will be in the Jolie Guibert area (Section 4).
In November a team is going to be evaluating the area of Duchity (5th Section) in conjunction with YoutHaiti. They will be looking at water and sanitation-related issues.
In February we may be hosting a trip to Haiti for Variety International.
By way of quick reminder: Pestel is located in the southwestern part of Haiti. It is both the name of the town (hub of activity) and the region. The region of Pestel has 6 Sections (See attached map). We have identified over 230 villages throughout the region so far.
Thriving Villages International is involved in all 6 regions, helping to implement Child Health Campaigns through the Haitian workers (APPAS workers do Vitamin A & deworming, Anemia Campaign, household surveys, malnutrition surveys, and hopefully very soon--immunizations!). We are also partnering in water (primarily with Water MIssions International), sanitation (w/ YoutHaiti), baseline surveys data collection (World Missions Harvest), cholera (MPHISE), agriculture (Heifer International, and KPA), and primary education and some clinical care (KPA which is supported by the Sisters from Sylvania, OH through Fidelis & Jo's work).
We are SO grateful to all who are willing to participate in this important work, giving voice to the needs of people who have had no voice, and being part of solutions on their behalf.
These are all gifts from God; a joy for us and a chance to honor Him.
-- President, Thriving Villages International
Thriving Villages website
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