I recently wrote a brief report that outlined some of the projects that have been underway in Pestel. I find it useful to sometimes take a moment to pause to consider the joy experienced in walking with God on this journey. Of course, just like in life when things don't happen like their supposed to on a trip (tires blow or radiators bust), there have been quite a number of challenges and even mis-steps over the past year. Sometimes like a flat tire we've just been flat wrong. In the process we learn.
We at Thriving Villages are learning together, encouraging one another, sharing in the work and the joy with you.
Through our combined efforts we continue to reach 12,000 children with medications to reduce child deaths, improve nutrition, and reduce anemia. We have been reporting our findings to Unicef, and I know they are pleased because there is no other entity that is doing what we are in that region of the country. We are currently reaching 230 villages with these medications.
We started up an Anemia Campaign throughout Pestel earlier this year. Pestel took a huge hit with Cholera and we saw the degree of anemia worsen quite substantially as a result. We anticipate seeing improvements in anemia by providing iron tablets and multivitamins (which include iodine), both of which are donated by Unicef.
Speaking of cholera: this has been a huge problem in rural places like Pestel where they have no good sources of water. The number of cases of cholera in the mountain villages of Pestel was alarming earlier this year. A very sad situation. The solution to cholera is good, clean water and good sanitation. Some other organizations have been assisting in the fight against cholera, including Cuban physicians and nurses, Youthaiti, and World Harvest Mission.
Toward that end we are well into the planning process of the well-drilling project for Pestel. There is a great deal of enthusiasm about this effort. We have 20 candidate villages. With the $100,000 donation from NATO (through their relationship with Variety) combined with leadership and donations from Water Missions International, we are moving forward with preparing the communities. We hope to see the well-drilling begin in early 2013 (during the dry season).
The importance and value of clean water in this setting cannot be overstated. The #2 cause of child death in Pestel is diarrhea, which is incredibly ridiculous because it is absolutely preventable. We're working together toward the end of this great tragedy. I believe we'll start to see results over the next year!
We're hoping to begin immunization campaigns later this year or sometime in 2013. Dr. Seneque (the only Haitian physician for 70,000 people in Pestel) told me in May that he still sees about a case per month of tetanus, one of the preventable diseases through immunizations. Also, I'm in discussion with Unicef about procuring malaria bed nets for the region. We're talking about 50,000+ bednets, potentially. I think the average cost of the insecticide bednet is around $5 per net. This will be an important step toward reducing deaths due to malaria. I remember seeing a young man writhing on the floor of the health center with his hands tied by a sheet. When I asked Dr. Seneque what was wrong with him he told me that the young man was likely going to die of malaria that infected the brain. This is normally treatable but Dr. Seneque's health center doesn't have this medication.
Heifer International has worked with 200 recipient families in Pestel, providing them expertise in caring for goats. Each of these families has now received the goats, and once those goats reproduce, the recipients are going to give away to their neighbors the same number of goats they received from Heifer International.
I have been granted a sabbatical from my medical center for the next year. I will be using part of this time to develop the work in Pestel further, and I am glad for the opportunity. Thank you for your ongoing support and the enthusiasm that bolsters the work forward.
Dr. Ben
President, Thriving Villages International
Thriving Villages website
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