If you're willing to do some data entry please email me. There is good news and not-so-good news.
The not-so-good news is that there are lots of records.
The GOOD NEWS!! is that we only have to enter about 10 items per record!!
{how's that for a spin!}
So it will go fast if there are many hands. This is NOT like the household survey which took a long time per form. This will be a faster process.
I'm attaching the template (excel spreadsheet) if you want to see how it is set up. You would
1. Save the spreadsheet with your name in the title ("Save as...")
2. Enter your initials where it says to
3. Start entering the information horizontally (in rows). Most of the cells are drop-down boxes. If the worker left the answer blank, just leave the cell blank. Select the answer that is closest to the answer the worker put down.
4. For the height/weight cells: just enter the number (11.2) but don't enter "cm" or "kg" etc.
This data is important because it is the follow-up data on height, weight, and anemia to be able to compare with 2010's information. We want to see if the Vitamin A and Albendazole campaigns made any difference in malnutrition & anemia.
What do you think? Easy right?!? Would you be willing to help? I'm hoping to have this all entered before Thanksgiving.
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