Thursday, September 8, 2011

Talents update

You'll recall that our church, Slate Hill Mennonite Church, did a really clever fund-raiser based on the parable of the talents.  Individuals received $10 and were then asked to use it to raise funds for TVI's solar fruit dryers.  

They were able to raise $1800 for Thriving Villages through this effort!!   That's 6x the amount invested!   In short, they trounced the servants mentioned in the parable (who only doubled the amounts given to them)!  

But consider the ongoing ROI (return-on-investment):   the solar fruit dryers may allow some of the villagers to sell dried fruit....and since 1/2 of the fruit they currently sell spoils or becomes damaged in transport.  This has potential to increase their income, provide nutritious snacks to school children (as an example), improve health....

And then the joy of all that returns to the giver....and to folks like Johnny Zook who spend a good deal of time thinking through practical solutions like this.

It is a good reminder that we ought to take stock of ourselves periodically to see how we are spending the talent God has given us.

Thanks to all who were involved in this!  It has been a great encouragement and thrill to see it


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