1. Please begin praying about a couple of storms that might develop in the Atlantic. While it's way to early to know if they will do anything at all, we have seen that God can move hurricanes (remember last November?) and so He can also quell storms.
2. I'm supposed to head to Haiti this Thursday and accompany a group (Vitamin Angels) out to Pestel for a site visit. I also have a list of meetings with different groups, so I'll be busy.
3. I got this nice update from Sisters Fidelis and Jo about the guest house that they are building!!! Really exciting news:
Here is your first glimpse of the guest house construction. This picture was taken on Monday, the 12th of September, the first day of construction. The foreman is in the white shirt, Boss Melonm (pronounced may-LOME).
Just know the work is going very well. The truck driver is keeping us well-supplied so that the crew of 15 have been as busy as bees all week. The foundation and the cistern incorporated into it are far along to being finished.
The side of the building toward the sea will be higher because of the sloping terrain, so people on the verandas will have an even better view of the sea dotted with islands.
This is quite exciting, and Sr. Jo and I will try to keep you up-to-date on its progress.
Thriving Villages blog
Just know the work is going very well. The truck driver is keeping us well-supplied so that the crew of 15 have been as busy as bees all week. The foundation and the cistern incorporated into it are far along to being finished.
The side of the building toward the sea will be higher because of the sloping terrain, so people on the verandas will have an even better view of the sea dotted with islands.
This is quite exciting, and Sr. Jo and I will try to keep you up-to-date on its progress.
Sister Fidelis
Thriving Villages website