Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Map of Pestel

Hi all,

BIG thanks to Novneet who has been working at plotting Pestel's villages using specialized software.  I'm attaching a view from Google Earth.  You can see what Novneet has done:  the 6 sections of Pestel are outlined (the borders are official borders), and the villages within those sections are placed.   Though what you're seeing is just a photo, in Google Earth I can click on any of those points and it tells me what the village name is, what the GPS coordinates are.   But it'll be able to do A LOT more.  We can set it up so that it tells us how many kids are in that village, the rates of malnutrition....

And he can change the color of the village marker, for example, to red if the degree of malnutrition is above a certain %.   In that way we'll be able to determine by looking at the map the areas with greatest needs.

Same thing can be done for water.   Many of you are doing data entry.   The data you enter will be converted into totals and averages.   For example, one of the questions on the household survey relates to whether people have to pay for water....and also how far they have to walk to get water.    We will be able to use this information to better determine where wells might be placed.

Just one example.

Pretty cool, huh?

We had to have the workers collect that GPS coordinates on the villages because that information simply did not exist.    Next, once they are done obtaining the GPS coordinates on the rest of the villages we'll scour Google Earth to look for possible villages within the sections of Pestel.    If we find some, we'll send the workers to those GPS coordinates (Geocaching anyone?   :)

Let me know if you're interested in helping us scour the countryside of Pestel from the comfort of your own living room     :)    


Thriving Villages Blog

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