I am writing from Les Cayes right now at Heifer International's office. A few snags came up
1. I couldn't pick up the Iron tablets from UNICEF's office because they were not open before we left for Les Cayes. We're talking about 1 million tablets!! So I'll get them tomorrow (Friday) and transport them out next week.
2. It rained so hard over the past day that....Dr. Seneque could not make it to meet me in Les Cayes. The road up in the mountain (River Glaz...something you literally have to drive through, is running too swiftly) Unfortunately I found that out only once we had arrived in Les Cayes (about a 4 hour drive today from PAP). I had brought out 3 VERY packed cases for him to take out to Pestel with blank child records (15,000 of them!), supplies for the upcoming Anemia Campaign, etc.
3. When I arrived at Heifer's door I found out that all the staff, including the people I was supposed to meet with, were in a meeting that was potentially going to last all day.
4. And just when I thought that the 4 hour drive was in vain, I ended up having a couple of very good meetings with Heifer Intl. In short, their staff was meeting with Heifer's Country Director, and he interrupted their meeting to say Hello to me. We had a very good discussion, and it sounds like he's interested in combining our interests to see greater impact. He has good ideas about what has not worked in Haiti and what might work in Haiti.
In short, it appears to be the start of a very good relationship! And I'm thrilled for Pestel!
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