Sunday, May 1, 2011

Update from Variety International Annual Conference

Hi everyone,

We (Jen, myself, Micah and Ellie) have spent the last several days in Chicago at the Variety International annual meeting, and we've had a really good time. The people in Variety are really welcoming and great encouragers!

I gave a presentation yesterday to the International Children's Fund Committee, the group that oversees the project funding.  I think that went well.  I received some good feedback.  Quite surprisingly, during my presentation a series of questions from the group led to a very strong sentiment among the group that they want to fund-raise to drill wells in Pestel!

This is of course on my wish list ever since our trip in March when Dr. John Lane determined that there is water under them hills.  And lots of it.   But folks, this might become a reality much sooner than anyone anticipated.  

I made it clear to them:  establishing wells throughout Pestel is a game-changer for them.   No doubts about it.  In the household surveys that I have analyzed so far, the average hike for water is 2 hours.

You know what happens during the dry seasons:  they hike even further out of necessity.  You have to water to live.

The #2 cause of child death in places like Pestel?    Preventable.  Treatable.  Unbelievable.
It's diarrhea.

Kids should NOT die from diarrhea.  That is simply unconscionable.   And now that we know there is water to be had through well drilling  

What is also astounding in my mind is that over the past 6 months I have been in contact with three experts in water who have expressed interest in working on this issue.   Most recently when I spoke at the Moneghan Presbyterian Church I met Bruce Juergens who has offered to use his expertise in water engineering to develop a plan as to how we should approach this issue and many of the considerations.     

None of this is an accident.  And none of this is simply good luck.  
This should be recognized as the hand of God releasing good gifts at the right time, and in turn people respond, some knowingly and some unknowingly, to His prompting.

We will see Thriving Villages in Pestel as a demonstration of God's goodness and compassion.

Please take a moment to thank God this morning.

Thriving Villages Blog

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