Hi everyone,
Just a couple of notes to pass along
I've decided to take 2 trips to Haiti in June. My first trip will be short (June 1-4), primarily to make sure the stage is set for my 2nd trip (June 11-18). There are a lot of details that I am hoping will come together on these two trips.
I'll be launching the Anemia Campaign. As part of that training, I'll be providing the workers with a new Child Carried Record that I developed for Pestel. We will assign medical record #s to each child (an entirely new effort), which is going to be no small undertaking. For those interested, we're going to use this system:
10010001 = 1 (Section 1) 001 (town of Pestel....each village within a section will be assigned a village code) 0001 (child #1)
40200100 = Section 4 Town 020 Child 100 (0100)
Neat! Now we'll see if it works :)
One key is to make sure that we don't assign the same # to two different children, so I'll be bringing down master log sheets with pre-printed medical record #s. Children are then sequentially assigned a medical record #. It all gets a bit complex, and I won't bore you with any more details.
The Child Carried Record is a small document that has places for documenting immunizations, Vitamin A & Albendazole, anemia results, and malnutrition level. The idea is that the record can be updated by ANYONE who is providing care to a child throughout Pestel. This will help to make sure kids are not receiving two doses of a medication in a short time-frame, for example. And also it helps health workers know which child has already received immunizations, for example. Currently, this does not exist throughout Pestel.
Also, it allows us to start tracking data better. If we can get the cell phone application to work, then the workers will start entering the data into the cell phone-->transmit the data directly to the US. No more tedious and time-consuming data entry by us!!! The workers can also type in the child's medical record # as part of the data collection so that the data can be tracked to each child.
We haven't been able to do that to this point.
I recognize this isn't going to be EXCITING!!! news for most readers :) but it is an important, detailed step forward for health in Pestel. One that is both a bit daunting as well as vital.
Another bit of good news: I just learned that Miriam Frederick's organization was able to raise funds to help provide a diesel truck for Dr. Seneque!! His truck died several months ago. Thanks Miriam!!!