Saturday, January 22, 2011

Some updates from Pestel

Hi all,  
I just got off the phone with Sister Fidelis (who lives in Pestel) and we had a very nice talk and chance to update one another.

I received a short email back from the Heifer Intl representatives in Haiti:   sounds like the meeting this past weekend in Pestel went well.  They are now developing a recommendation!   

Water Missions International will be traveling out to Pestel this upcoming week to explore a couple of sites for the water treatment unit, generously being donated by Variety International.   One thing to consider:   the units are expensive, but it might be less expensive to purchase 2 at once because some of the cost is due to expenses related to travel and educational sessions that will occur throughout the upcoming year after the unit is installed.   The unit installs very quickly--within 2 hours!!   So it's really just a matter of bringing the unit (or units!!) out to Pestel.   

I sent along a video link (Johnny Zook's CharRocket) to a microfinance organization in Lancaster.  They really like what they are seeing!  We'll let them know how the piloting of these stoves goes during our March trip.

From Sister Fidelis:   a really neat new development.

Over the past year a group of youth in the village of Ferye (where Sisters Fidelis and Jo have a house) have formed a development group, modeled after the adult development group that Sister Fidelis initiated for Sections 1 & 2 of Pestel.  They formed  in order to help improve their village.
Now how cool is that?!?   

They reached out and invited a group of Haitians (from Port-au-Prince) who do medical work, and the group is now in Pestel.  This group, which includes a Haitian doctor, 2 nurses, 1 lab tech, another medical specialist, and an administrator, will be conducting health education seminars as well as running clinics in Ferye.  

I am hoping to have opportunity to meet with this group during the March trip.  


PS:  You can see a short video of Fidelis & Jo's house in Ferye at this site (scroll down) and you can also see some other short videos I put together a couple of years ago:

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