Saturday, March 20, 2010

More Chateau Deaus!!!

Some good news:   we have enough money to install 6 more Chateau Deaus in Pestel!  For those who might not know, these are 600 gallon containers that can collect water (through PVC piping) off of roofs.  
Here's a photo

Last year we installed 5, so now we're off to a really great start for 2010!!  I'd like to see us install 5 more this year.  Each Chateau Deau costs $1000 to purchase and install.  
In a land with no rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, or wells, these are life-savers in the truest sense of that word.  

The #2 reason for children dying in rural Haiti is diarrhea. 

I'm excited that we will be installing 6 more of these water collection systems in Pestel!

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