Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Haiti update

Good morning,

We spoke with Anderson yesterday and he sounds down, as you can tell by the email I forwarded.  He is praying, reading his Bible.  The days turn from day to night, day to night, day to night...and that's about the extent of it right now for him.

We spoke to Nakesha's parents again and they are doing well.  Their bakery was undamaged, but is not up-and-running yet.   They too, like most, sleep outside even though their house is ok.  

There is a group of Hershey volunteer surgeons working with Operation Smile and Partners in Health down in Haiti.  They keep a great blog:
They mention that they felt some aftershocks last night.

I read a report from USAID about the issue of food in Haiti.  Obviously the needs are great now, but they will be great in the future.  
The report includes a map that shows an estimated 30,000 people have migrated out to the Department of the Grande Anse--which is where Jeremie and Pestel are.   A Department is akin to our State.  But since Haiti is about the size of Maryland, think of it more like a county in terms of size and the impact that 30,000 people would have.  
"This movement is expected to exert additional pressure on available food and environmental resources (e.g., firewood)..."    The report mentions, however, that they believe the migration back to PAP will occur about 3 months after the earthquake.


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