Please consider praying for the following
1. The current director of the United Nations (Ban Ki-moon) and former President Bill Clinton recently wrapped up a visit to Haiti (!). This helps to bring attention to the hard strain the people of Haiti try to live under. You can read about it here . In the
article it also mentions that an international community donors meeting will be held next month for Haiti. Haiti has been in a particularly vulnerable period with the food crisis and the 4 hurricanes that swept through last year. They had made significant gains prior to this, and the international community is aware of the improvements. But with a million people displaced by the hurricanes (over 10% of the entire population) and increasing desperation for the basics (food, shelter, water) all the good that has been achieved to this point may be wiped out quickly. So we can pray for God's compassion to be evidently poured out on these people, and that He gets the credit for bringing this about.
Haiti's situation reminds me that all our good human work is fruitless unless it is done with God.
2. I am meeting with the Dean of the medical school tomorrow to discuss the situation of global health at Hershey. God is pressing more and more on my heart the need to work for the poor and needy through my medical center. My sunday school just looked at Ezekiel 34:17-31 which examines the 'fat sheep' versus the 'thin sheep'. I can't get this image out of mt mind and heart (which is a good thing!). I know this meeting with the Dean is part of God's plan for me and my medical school. Please pray that I would have the right words and that God would continue to move in the hearts of leadership. (Remember how He used to work in the hearts of kings to accomplish His will? He still does that!!).
3. Our trip next week. Jon and I leave for Haiti next Friday. Please pray for safety and that our hearts would be moved to greater compassion. These are very humbling experiences for me. We will be meeting with a number of people on this trip and I pray that we would be an encouragement to them.
Thanks much!
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