Saturday, November 1, 2008

Medication news for Haiti

Hi All,

As many of you know I have been working with an orphanage in PAP, Haiti called Wings of Hope.
You can find more information about the orphanage (which is part of Hearts with Haiti orphanages).

Through a really neat collaboration with folks in Canada, we have been able to obtain a year's supply of free meds for the residents of Wings of Hope!!  This includes a number of anti-seizure medications as well as antibiotics.  In short, two guys who work for a pharmaceutical company in Canada proposed to their board that a donation of meds be made to Wings of Hope.  We then drafted a list of meds with quantities, and the request went through!!  
Perhaps God will continue to use this relationship to further benefit the kids and people of Haiti.  It would be great if their hearts would be moved to extend this opportunity to the people of Pestel, for example.

Second point is a special giving option:   you will recall that Nelson stayed at our house last year (March 2007) and had a valve replaced.  He lives in Pestel.  He will continue to take amoxicillin for the rest of his life.  As such, there is an opportunity for someone (or a group, for example) to purchase the medications he needs.  I would plan to purchase the meds (or try to get the meds purchased in Haiti--preferable) for him on an annual basis.  
If this is something you would be interested in participating in please let me know.  You can participate in part or in full (and just let me know whether you would anticipate this being a one-time gift or an annual recurring gift).  The cost?  Probably something like $120-$150 or so per year.  Might be able to get this cheaper in Haiti, though.

I'll plan to post further information on the "Special Giving" section of my website. 


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