There is a very simple 'tool' called the Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) bracelet which was developed by Doctors without Borders. Basically, you wrap the paper measuring tool around the mid-arm of a child and determine whether or not he is malnourished, and if so, to what degree.
I want to make a bunch of these so that I can give them to the folks in Pestel so that we can begin to gather data about the degree of malnutrition. This will help us plan as we move forward.
I am hoping to find a solution that is both cheap and somewhat durable. So if you have any suggestions about how these might be made, please pass your ideas along to me! You can certainly email me (just scroll down once you're on the linked page)--that would be great.
Here is a link to the Doctor's Without Borders page with more information on the bracelet as well as a downloadable form to print these out for yourself.
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