Hi all,
Just got an update from Sister Fidelis from Pestel and I've included some excerpts here (as well as a photo that includes Sister Fidelis translating while Johnny Zook demonstrates how to make charcoal briquettes with his Char-Rocket stove):
Sarah Allyn R.N. has volunteered for five months with us ending March 27. She is helping in our clinic,
making health presentations in the villages, sharpening our record-keeping, making valuable suggestions
for the future of health care here, and teaching English to the medical staff and our KPA leadership
team. In January Sarah participated with us in a new tradition, a thank you party for KPA members and
village health monitors, on the seventh anniversary of KPA's founding.
SFH GUEST HOUSE: After completion of a road to our property, construction began on September 12.
Walls started going up on October 4. The first floor roof was completed on December 17. Now the
masons are finishing the interior walls and ceilings, and the carpenters are fitting windows and doors.
The exterior and the second floor still remain unfinished. We are hoping for a fall dedication.
NEW PROJECTS: We have procured a rental house for our blossoming sewing project. Machines are
being serviced, and shortly staff will be chosen and students and artisans will be enrolled. We expect a
summer opening.
Our agriculture program is concentrating on the growing of peanuts this year. In Heifer-style they will
be passing forward the peanuts they received for planting plus five extra cans to be made into peanut
butter for malnourished children in the area.
Our midwife program has begun very successfully. Through it we are giving special training to 23 local
midwives who in turn are encouraging pregnant mothers to receive pre and post-natal care with their
babies. The midwives meet monthly and receive birthing kits to aid them in their ministry.
CONNECTIONS: One hundred and four five-gallon buckets sent by Little Flower Parish of Toledo along
with medicines and other gifts arrived here recently. The buckets were filled with food and supplies for
school, babies, and cleaning. They are a gift to St. Joseph's Parish in Pestel and will be distributed shortly
by the pastor.
The parishioners and students of St. Rose de Lima in Perrysburg have begun a twinning relationship with
our chapel and school in Ferrier.
PERSONALS: On Thanksgiving weekend Jo, Eleanor, Sarah and I took a short vacation. Staying in Pestel,
we visited the beach one day and our Canadian Franciscan friends in Corail the next.
Since September Sr. Jo and I have been leading Sunday chapel services in our village. We are considering
the pastors' request this week that I become the official director of the chapel with Jo continuing her
weekly preaching. We are also giving a presentation on mandalas at a youth camp this month.
P.S. Elange Cadet, the paralyzed 40 year old mother of nine, has been diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and
is being treated at home by our medical staff. We are looking for funds for her and to help her husband establish a small business to support the family.
Sister Fidelis Rubbo
February 8, 2012
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